Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Elisms (+ a little Anna)

I'm sorry.  I've been TERR*I*BLE about posting this particular blog theme and I know it's a fave.  Some of these are so terribly old, but I still have to share them.   If nothing else, I would love to go back and laugh at these with the kids some day.

*Upon entering our car (where at times it feels like we live...) Eli sniffed with his nose and said, "It smells like zoo animals".   Gift cards for car detailing are welcome anytime. 

*Before Eli's birthday (like months before) he was describing what he wanted his cake to look like.   He said, "I want Hans Solo  and Lando on top".   I said, "Who?  Who's Lando?"  Well...this is him. 
(In case you didn't know he is Hans Solo's 'wing man' in the movies)  I was wondering where in the world I was going to find a Lando cake topper and honestly felt I may need to put a gun in Obama's hand, but thankfully found a figurine on ebay : )    

*Some times he gets his measurements wrong and says things like, "Miles and miles ago I went to my friend Grayson's house."   Or, "I weigh 576 inches".    He's trying.

*This one makes my heart melt a little.   At @ midnight I hear Eli race out of his room, down the hall, down the stairs and then open the front door.   I hopped out of bed and went after him and found him distraught.   He must of messed with his clock and the alarm was going off in his room.   He thought it was the fire alarm.   (I still am so proud of him!)

*We saw a preview for the 'Little Mermaid' and he said, "when Anna was a 'big' girl that was her favorite movie". 

*We've had some QT with Grandaddy a lot lately and Eli adores him.   He's even started to pick up some expressions from his Grandaddy.   When he's doing well on the Wii he say, "yeah, baby".   He also has said, "I'm going to get that bad boy" and "holy smokes!" .     Still makes me giggle.  

Little Miss Anna is communicating her little personality too : )   I'm looking forward to the next year!  

*Instead of saying the word slide she says, "Weeeeeeeeeee", whenever we see one. 
*She started using the words, "fun" &  "cool" right around when she went on an all day shopping spree with her Aunt Reebs and me.  
*She says "OK" to pretty much anything you ask her.
*We've always told Eli to give her "space".   She finally is speaking up for herself (other than crying) and is saying, "base, brover.  base."    
*I've said this before, but she likes to sit...a lot.   She will make ANYTHING a seat and will drag and plead for anyone to sit beside her because that just makes it even more enjoyable.   In her pleading she has learned the word for "sit", only it comes out like "s*it".   So if you didn't know any better, you'd see a little girl pointing at you and saying "s*it".   Poor little thing; at least she's cute.  

1 comment:

Jaclyn Morgan said...

Love them! We needed those!