Saturday, December 12, 2009


Not as much time to blog once the reality of being home sets in!   Here are a few updates:

1) Eli has been home with us since Friday and is borderline obsessed with his little sister.   We are trying to teach him some boundaries with her...(like DON'T spit on her...)   He is still trying to figure everything out and he used a phrase that I NEVER thought he'd use.  When asked if he wanted to go and get pizza with his dad and Grandad he said, "no, I want to stay here."   I don't know what exactly to attribute that to, but we are trying to stick to as 'normal' of a routine as possible to help him with this transition.

2) Anna is getting more beautiful everyday...possibly every minute.   Every time I look at her I can't believe she's mine!!   She has the perkiest lil' nose and the most scrumptious cheeks : )  She has a very peaceful disposition and doesn't even flinch when her brother tackles....I mean hugs her.     We had our first Dr. check up this morning and she weighs 7lb. 6 oz...she's a healthy little eater!   We were worried about her yellowish skin (at the hospital she was just below the treatment level) so we headed back over to St. Johns to get her blood checked.  She is still RIGHT below the treatment levels for jaundice but with our history with Eli and both Todd and I having it as infants we went ahead and have her on a billi bed hoping that her levels go down soon.   We are going in for more blood work/Dr.'s check up on Monday so we'll keep you posted.   Know that she is still really happy and is a great eater!!   

3) Todd is officially DONE with his finals and done with school work until Jan. 11th...Praise God for the timing of her birth (minus the stress of her coming during finals week) At least we have a month of no school!  

4) I am doing drastically better (so far) with this transition compared to going from 0 to 1.   I can't put my finger on why, but I am so thankful for this...thanks for all your prayers!  

Oh, and pictures have been updated : )  


Jaclyn Morgan said...

Photos updated? Looks like the same 42 that have been up for several days.

Glad to hear Anna's getting along with her brother. . .wouldn't leave with Dad or GRANDDAD---that's more serious than I thought. But, then, Ted Drewes isn't open, is it?

Leah Warren said...

Ooops sorry...still getting the hang of Shutterfly! They're up now!

Rebecca said...

you seem so perky and chipper!

hear.t. and hue said...

YAY for all of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) i'll say some prayers the transition continues to go well for everyone. and for todd's finals! :) xoxoxoxo <-- a set for each.