Thursday, July 7, 2011

Not that exciting...yet.

I feel like I may have built up our "new Texas" blog post but there really isn't anything too glamorous to share.   (Although I did glamorize the actual look of the blog to make up for it).   So far this still feels like a vacation...where my husband works and I still have to run errands and pay bills.  O.k. So maybe not a vacation, but not reality yet.  Possibly it's because we live in a 2 bed apartment that is furnished without our belongings.  Or maybe it's because we have to ride the elevator to go outside.  Or maybe it's because Anna sleeps in our closet.  Or maybe it's because we have cable t.v. for this first time since we've been married.  No, it's probably because we have a cleaning service that folds our towels into random creatures.  Regardless, this definitely isn't home and we are trying not to get used to it, yet trying to find a routine somehow.  I'm caught between trying to plan our life in McKinney, but also trying to live it up at our posh urban apartment at the shops in Plano.  So we go back and forth each day trying to find a new adventure and or a new routine.  Here are some glimpses into our life (although to truly experience it, y'all need to visit!)        
Our Elevator Man a.k.a Elijah James

Our Door Man (a.k.a Elijah James...he's a big helper.  I should tip him)

Waiting patiently for Mom to open the car

My saving grace for bringing groceries and 2 children up 7 stories. 
Our daily walk takes us around this lake approximately 8 times which I'm hoping is 2 miles : )  Eli rides his bike.  Also our apartment complex is the one behind the fountain! We are on the top floor. 

We have begun scoping out the local playgrounds. 

And YES it's hot.   100 degrees hot.  BUT, I do think it is hotter in St. Louis.  There is no humidity here so you can actually breathe outside!  

Eli reading to Anna.   It has been really sweet to see their relationship grow as they're forced to hang out with each other : ) 


Jaclyn Morgan said...

Give that girl an apple and she will wait patiently for anything including Grandpa's physical therapy!

Preparing for Peanut said...

Looks like you are having a great time! I love how cute Eli and Anna are together...what a good big brother Eli is! I hope the house search is going well so at the end of your 'vacation' you can start your real Texas life. Miss you guys!