Whew. It's been awhile & I have soooooo many I am sure this is not an all inclusive list! He's become more "grown up" in his Eli-isms. I hope this means he isn't going to out grow them : )
*The past few months "we've" had some poop issues. He wonders where it comes from, where it goes, ect. One way to make it less scary (I think) was for him to ask, "Does God poop?" My response (after a giggle). "No, but Jesus sure did!"
*He is wanting to talk ALL*OF*THE*TIME. He is now using filler words when he really doesn't have anything to say. "Anyways...." is his favorite!
*Whenever I ask Anna a question (i.e. "do you want more?") Eli now responds for her. In a really high voice he says "yes, please" or "I want my baby doll". He is almost always dead on : )
*At a restaurant one night he kept on staring at the table next to us. Finally he said, "Dad, I want a mustache."
*His "Knock Knock" jokes really took off last month due to Halloween. Most of them make NO sense. "Knock Kock". (who's there?) "Potato." (Potato who?) "Potato bed." (and then he laughs at his joke....and no one else does.)
*At restaurants he asks for "sweet" beer.
*One tactic we tried to get him to go poop in the potty was to tell him he could make snakes! This worked for awhile.
*After explaining to him that he needed to be quiet in a library, he then spotted a fire alarm. He proceeded to beep really loud and explain to me that it was just a test, not a real fire.
*After saying really confusing things, he responds with "it's just a joke, mom."
*Driving to school he says the SWEETEST things to Anna.
**"Anna, sorry I can't play today. I have to go to school and work hard."
"Anna, don't worry I will come back. I ALWAYS come back. I will miss you more!"
*Piggy backing on the above statements, one day he ran up and hugged Anna and said, "don't worry Anna. I will 'tect you and care for you. " (no, he is not winning a brother of the year award any time soon).
*We've been meeting Todd for lunch once a week to make up for the nights we don't see him. Eli is still putting it all together. When we dropped Todd back off he asked, "where are all of your kids?" (I think he thought Todd was a teacher). The next week an older man walked by and he asked, "Dad? Is that your teacher?"
*While raking, Todd decided to find a teachable moment and explain the seasons to Eli. When he got to Fall, Eli cut him off. He started telling Todd all about the story of Humpty Dumpty.
*This one was a little scary for Todd. While on a hike, Eli said, "Let's pretend like we're ponies. You'll be the pink one and I'll be the purple one." While galloping he said, "I'm beautiful!" (Shhhhhh....don't tell Todd I watched My Little Ponies with Eli. It's one of my faves.)