Friday, April 23, 2010


Eli continues to crack us up.   This age is just so bitter-sweet, but I want to keep focusing on the sweet when I can!

*Eli has started turning everything into a gun (wait for my next blog post for a picture to exemplify this).   No, we do not have guns in our house.  No we do not let him watch Terminator.   I think it comes from this little thing called testosterone.  He also loves pestering his sister.   He took a toy and was shooting it at her and making loud gun noises.  I said, "no Eli.  You need to be gentle with your sister."  So Eli then continued to shoot her, but instead made his gun noises quieter : ) 
*People have started commenting on Eli's height.   When asked, "Eli are you tall?"  His response was, "No, I'm a boy"
*While Todd was getting ready for work he said, "Dad I'm sorry you have to go to work".   They start early : )  (I swear Todd doesn't complain about work that much...)
*At dinner Todd always asks Eli what he did that day.  One night Eli beat Todd to the punch.  He put his hand gently on Todd arm and said, "Dad, how was school today?"  
*Eli's drawings have become a lot more intentional.   Eventhough I haven't a clue what he is drawing, he does.  So I decided to start labeling his pictures with what they are to help people out : )  One day I asked what he was drawing and he said, "Pizza".  So I wrote P-I-Z-Z-A on the bottom of his picture.  He said, "No! E-L-I, Eli".    (He obviously thought I was trying to sign his name and that I had forgotten how to spell it.)
*One night we were hanging out in Anna's room and I was telling him the story of how it was his room at one time, what it looked like, ect.   When I was done he said, "Oh, that's so sweet." 
*Lately he's been getting himself ready and out the door (with A LOT OF HELP).  One day while I was following him to the car I realized he had stopped and was talking to a plant along the way.  I heard, "Hi my name is Eli, what is your name?" 
*In the car on the way home from my parent's house Eli was telling me all about an ant on his window and what it was doing, where it lived, ect.   When we got home thoughtless me was letting him out of his seat, saw the ant on the window and flung him off.   The look on his face was heartbreaking!  I settled him down by telling him that I was just sending the ant home (to the ground) for bed time. 
*Along with the arrival of his sister came some renewed aggression and some renewed timeouts.  After he hurts someone I typically make him go and and apologize and hug whomever he hurt (lately it is his sister 90% of the time).   One day I put him in timeout for turning on the tv after I asked him not to.   After timeout he walked over to the tv and apologized for turning him on : )
*We were riding home in the car one evening and Anna was crying.  Todd and I have learned to tune it out and started having a conversation/turned up the music. (awesome parents, right?) I finally realized she had stopped crying and heard a sweet little voice in the back seat. I turned down the music to hear what was going on and Eli was singing his sister her goodnight song (the same one we sing to him).  When we weren't willing to go the extra mile, Eli took the initiative!   


Jaclyn Morgan said...

He is all boy, but such a sweet one. Loved the stories. . .keep them coming.

Unknown said...

I love the last one, Eli is so cute... does it mean John and I are ready for a little one when we tune out the dog barking in the back? It must mean we are ready!