Monday, June 28, 2010


  1. While riding in the car and listening to the radio the song "Mysterious Ways" came on by U2.   Eli asked, "what is this song?"...I told him...he said, "this is cool".    He IS our son, enough said. 
  2. My mom has a lot of "antique" toys and while playing with one (Mister Roger's Trolley) we heard "Oh no, I'm dirty."   (Really bad images were coming to mind because this kid's definition of dirty is different than most)  He runs into the room showing me his hands which have nothing on them.   He then proceeded to say, "They have germs on them, I need to wash them."   
  3. Eli usually could care less about what he wears, he would prefer PJ's all day long.   One day I was helping him dress and he said, "this doesn't match".   (Camo shorts and a Spiderman shirt) I explained to him that the "funky grunge" look is in.  He seemed satisfied with that answer.   
  4. When putting on shoes he always asks , "are they the same?"   Meaning are they on the right foot?
  5. Anna was sitting on a quilt that the family had made for him and was playing with one of the squares that had an Eli doll attached to it.  (I may do a blog about this later, this thing is amazing) She was chewing on the doll's hair and Eli said, "Oh no!  Mom, she's chewing on MY hair."  He then rolled her over and spanked her!   He takes his quilt pretty seriously... (don't worry she was giggling over the whole thing)
  6. While out at a restaurant on Father's Day Eli noticed there was a drum set (for live music).  When the waitress came back to the table he asked, "Can I play on the drums?  I'm a rockstar..."  (Of course she let him...)
  7. When he was supposed to be napping we heard yelling from his room.  We peeked in on him and he was standing on top of some blocks and yelling, "I am Jesus and I will calm the storm!"
  8. We were playing with Legos one day (K'nex to be exact) and he was making guns for us to play with.   When I was shooting my gun apparently his had transformed into something else because in a shocked voice he said, "Nooooo, don't shoot my rainbow.  You're a good gun!"
  9. During Anna's morning nap this summer I've been trying to do some much needed housework with Eli's help.   When cleaning the bathroom downstairs Eli became bored (I don't know why) and went upstairs to play.   All of a sudden through the monitor I hear giggling.   I thought, "that's strange, Anna has never done that".   So I ran upstairs and found that Eli had dragged an ottoman up to her crib grabbed some toys and was in there playing with her.   Yikes...I guess it could be worse.  
  10. While I was on the computer one day Eli asks me, "Mom, I want to do facebook".   My jaw dropped and after some follow up questions I realized he literally wanted to read his book about faces.  
  11. I had some friends over one day and Eli went up to his room to get something to show them.  A few minutes later I heard crying and went to investigate.   He told me his head hurt and was holding his hand to it.  I asked if he had bumped it, if he needed me to kiss it, ect.   When I got a closer look he had scissors wrapped around his hair.   Close call.   
  12. He was sick this past weekend and when I asked if he still felt sick today his reply was "yes".   I asked him where it hurt and his reply was, "my legs".   
  13. Last night he stayed up with us due to the thunderstorm and we were watching the news.   Barack Obama was on and we were explaining who he was, ect.   We then wanted to make sure he understood and asked, "So Eli, who is our president?"   His response was, "Lightning McQueen". 


Jaclyn Morgan said...

He is at such a wonderfully funny stage!

Anonymous said...

I have so much fun reading all the "eli-isms" Keem them coming, he's too cute!