Monday, August 30, 2010


This post is a looooooooooooong time coming!  Sorry to all of you that have been waiting patiently and eagerly ... I know it's a fave!

*Those of you that are familiar with St. Louis will appreciate this....on the way to a trip to Kansas City we approached Chesterfield (20 min. from our house) where there are some medical buildings.  He became really excited and said, "We're here!  This is Kansas City!"   I had to break it to the poor guy that we still had a long way to go and that yes tall buildings are in Kansas City just not those tall buildings.
* He was pretty obsessed with cities for awhile.   When we were reading his Bible we were talking about Bethlehem and he said, "that is NOT a city.  It does not have tall buildings."   (I wonder if Mary said something similar while in labor...)
*After his birthday I was trying to recycle some toys to make room for new ones and I told him he needed to get rid of some toys and I asked who he wanted to give them to.   He told me he wanted to give them to Anna.   (Really sweet but not really my point...)
*When he went on a trip to Springfield to spend some time with his Grandparents he turned to Todd, put his hand on his arm and said, "You have fun with Mom."    (Like Todd was going to miss him terribly but no worries he had me...)
* I really need to start giving him a break when he wakes up from his naps and starts rambling, but the things he says are hysterical.   One day he told me, "Mom, don't worry.  I told the Daddy hippopotamus to get out of the tree."   (RANDOM)
*If you've been outside this August you know that the mosquitoes are ridiculous.  I told Eli that in order to go outside he needed to put on some bugspray.   He looked at me like I was crazy but followed suit.  After I sprayed it on him he looked all over his arms and legs and asked, "Where are the bugs?"  He literally thought I was spraying him with bugs. 
*On a gorgeous hike in Castlewood Park we were taking in the scenery.  Eli looked up at the sky and said, "It looks like Koolaid!"  (we REALLY wanted to correct him that Koolaid looks like the sky and not the other way around but saved our breath)
* When Todd wore a shirt with a guitar on it Eli told him he looked like a rockstar.  Apparently that's all you need!
*We've been trying to get Eli to drink out of a cup without a lid at mealtimes.  Todd told him to put his cup on top of his plate (so he wouldn't knock it over).  He looked at Todd like he was crazy and said, "That would be yucky, Daddy."   (He thought Todd wanted to Eli to dump his water onto his plate....) 
* He explained the other week, "I LOVE potties!"
*When I walked into the room there were cracker crumbs EVERYWHERE.   He explained to me that the bad guys he was playing with did it.  (nope, not him)
*While at my moms last week he was bouncing balls on the floor and doing a silly little bounce dance with it and humming to himself.  We all thought he looked so cute and were giggling with eachother.   Then we started to make out what he was humming..."pee on the floor, pee on the floor".  We followed him into the bathroom where he was preparing another ball for his fun activity by soaking it in pee and then proceeding with his little jig by bouncing the ball (with the pee) all over my moms floor.

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