This list of Eli-isms is LESS than comprehensive because the last few weeks have been...hard for this mama. Todd had finals and so things maybe just didn't feel funny in the moment (even though I'm sure to someone with a full tank they were hysterical) nor did I have the brain space to remember to write them down. These however stuck with me...
*Anytime he takes a toy away from Anna, I always say"give her something else to play with" (because she doesn't really care at this point) He always comes up with interesting his dad's dirty socks. Anna is always thrilled (again because she doesn't care) but sometimes I need to draw the line.
*His vocabulary is so incredible at this point that sometimes I forget he still needs some help. He told me one day he needed his muffins before we went outside. It took me awhile before I realized he meant his MITTENS.
*Piggy backing on the above...Todd was talking to him about snow angels. Eli said Todd and I could make big ones, anna could make little ones and he could make "big-little" ones (because he is not big and not little, just big-little)
*Upon seeing the above sign Eli said, "LOOK DAD! It says, "Look there's a car! You better run..."
*Eli knows that I am not ready to see him in the morning until 7 am. At 7 am SHARP he is at the foot of my bed, every day, without fail. One day he said, "come on mom, get up!" I said, "you know how sometimes you don't want to go to bed? Sometimes I don't want to get OUT of bed." His response (after a few moments of lulling that over) was, "Noooooooooo" (as if that wasn't possible)
*Over the past month we've been working on Anna's crawling (this will be a whole other blog). One day I put her down next to me to play and then I looked up and she was gone. I was pretty scared at first (Like she was kidnapped or something) and then realized she had MOVED. Jokingly I said to Eli, "how did Anna get over here?" He said, "I don't know. I guess she flew." (He was NOT joking.)
*He asked for a TROMBONE (?!?!?!) for Christmas
*After helping me carry in some groceries he said in a prideful voice, "yeah...I'm strong like Jesus."
*For Anna's birthday we went to go and see the light display at Tilles Park. It was awesome, but Eli's response was not as excited as I predicted. At the end of the park there was a guy directing traffic. With excitement in his voice he said, "LOOK! That guys has an AWESOME light saber! "